Io e mio marito faremo un viaggio in Inghilterra il prossimo mese, e prenderemo un'auto a noleggio. Vorrei sapere se per mio figlio, che ha quasi 4 anni, è ancora necessario il seggiolino dietro oppure se può bastare che esso stia dietro il braccio ad un adulto regolarmente munito di cintura. Vi chiedo gentilmente di rispondermi o di indicare un qualsiasi sito/ente a cui rivolgermi. Certi della vs/ collaborazione, invio cordiali saluti Sai per caso in Inghilterra come funziona????

Questo è quanto prescritto in Inghilterra

Visto che vanno in Inghilterra è bene che imparino l'inglese!!!!!
Seat belts

  Section number 75   You MUST wear a seat belt if one is available, unless you are exempt. Those exempt from the requirement include the holders of medical exemption certificates and people making local deliveries in a vehicle designed for the purpose.
Laws RTA 1988 sects 14 & 15, MV(WSB)R & MV(WSBCFS)R
Seat belt requirements
This table summarises the main legal requirements for wearing seat belts
Orange rule
(all vehicles)
(cars and small
Orange rule
be worn if fitted
Orange rule
CHILD under 3
years of age
Appropriate child
restraint MUST be worn
Appropriate child
restraint MUST be worn if available
Orange rule
CHILD aged 3
to 11 and under
1.5 metres
(about 5 feet) in
Appropriate child
restraint MUST be worn if available
If not, an adult seat
belt MUSTbe worn
Appropriate child
restraint MUST be worn if available
If not, an adult seat
belt MUST be worn
if available
Orange rule
CHILD aged
12 or 13
or younger child
1.5 metres or
more in height
Adult seat belt
MUST be worn if available
Adult seat belt
MUST be worn if available
Orange rule
over the age of 14
MUST be worn if available MUST be worn if available PASSENGER
Orange rule
*Minibuses with an unladen weight of 2540kg or less
  Section number 76   The driver MUST ensure that all children under 14 years of age wear seat belts or sit in an approved child restraint. This should be a baby seat, child seat, booster seat or booster cushion appropriate to the child's weight and size, fitted to the manufacturer's instructions.
Laws RTA 1988 sects 14 & 15, MV(WSB)R & MV(WSBCFS)R


Child wearing incorrect child restraint   Child wearing correct child restraint


Make sure children wear the correct restraint

  Section number 77   You MUST wear seat belts in minibuses with an unladen weight of 2540 kg or less. You should wear them in large mini-buses and coaches where available.
Laws RTA 1988 sects 14 & 15, MV(WSB)R & MV(WSBCFS)R
  Section number 78   Children in cars. Drivers who are carrying children in cars should ensure that
  • children do not sit behind the rear seats in an estate car or hatchback, unless a special child seat has been fitted
  • the child safety door locks, where fitted, are used when children are in the car
  • children are kept under control
  • a rear-facing baby seat is NEVER fitted into a seat protected by an airbag

altre notizie le trovano qui

Giuseppe Carmagnini